Fisantekraal Community
How We Address It

what we do
We are a God centric organization, who’s vision is to transform the life of every orphan & vulnerable child, by re-establishing their God given identity and purpose and restoring healthy, loving family environments thereby building strong, stable communities within which they can thrive.
Our model is built on 5 main pillars: Training & Equipping parents, Growing & Developing Children, providing access to quality education, social protection of the most vulnerable in our society: orphans and job creation & skills development.
All our activities and interventions are specifically aligned to not only provide access to resources and opportunities not previously available to the impoverished community of Fisantekraal, but more importantly, they are designed to draw people closer to The Father, to show His care & kindness to them through their engagement with us and our partners, and restore their lives through His love. Ultimately, we want to show them in word and deed, The Fathers Heart.